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2013年7月6日 星期六

202 - 2人房

202- 這是一間”紅花點綴”的浪漫雙人房,備有加大的雙人床,全新液晶電視,冷氣,小冰箱、吹風機和熱水壺。多了張雙人小沙發,可以在房間內更舒適的享用餐點、聊天、觀看電視。完善寬敞的浴室有著特殊的石頭裝飾,感覺很平靜。

202- This is the “Flowers in a field of white and red" room, perfect for a couple, the room is well equipped with a king size bed, LCD, air conditioner, fridge and hot water fountain. The flashy red couch and the table offer more comfort, you can enjoy eating your breakfast and watching TV. Also the wide bathroom, surrounded by rocks makes the place really peaceful.

找到民宿 FOUND Hostel 
TEL: 0975-678-196 (9 AM~9 PM)
ADD: 屏東縣恆春鎮西門路58號 
E-mail: foundhostel@gmail.com

